Pink Shirt Day

pink shirt day is about anti-bullying and i’ll tell you the story.

In 2007 in Nova Scotia in canada One day a boy on his first day of school wore a pink shirt.He was bullied about wearing that pink shirt and these two boys saw him being bullied and said two each other we need two do something there names were David Sheppard and Travis Price.They brought 50 pink shirt and went online and told everyone two wear pink they called it sea of pink.The next day lots of people wore pink in support of the guy wearing the pink shirt.

If you can get more people against them… to show that we’re not going to put up with it and support  of each other,then they’re not as big as a group as they think they are,”

— david Sheppard

thats what he said and from 2007 people have been celebrating pink shirt day in lots of places.that is the story about how pink shirt day began Related image

My Holiday

My first day of holiday !!! we did 45 km over one day it was raining a lot but the second day was better because we did a little bit less than the first day and it didn’t rain as much,their was less hills but their was a thunder storm for a little bit.I think I would of enjoyed it more if it was better weather.

The rest of the holiday was at a beach with two other families.The waves were great,they were so big but there was a rip which was annoying not that big of a rip so we could still do some boogie boarding, but I just liked diving under the waves.

One day a duck and her mate came up to our house and one of them couldn’t walk properly and kept on falling over,so I had to help her and her mate. I didn’t feed them bread (because bread is bad for them) I looked up what do ducks eat turns out they eat oats lucky we had oat crackers(we checked on the back it was fine for them) so I fed them the crackers  and they sat on MEEE!!!!!!!

There was a seal on the beach it was so funny,we were on a hill and we were looking down and a dog ran at the seal and the owner was running after the dog and started throwing stuff at the dog HEHE!!

We had netball trials and I got in to the second round yeeey.

My holiday BY RUTH

Pollution in the sea

                                                             What is pollution

Pollution is a man made substance that contaminates the sea. It’s made by rubbish that’s thrown in to the sea, oil petal ,gas and sewage, people not recycling and agricultural fertilizers it is used mostly by farmers to grow healthy crops it’s put in to the soil and then it gets in to the sea.

                                        How does pollution effect fury sea animals

It effects the fury sea animals fur because the oil destroys the insulating ability of fury sea animals and the water repellency of the birds feathers exposing it to the cold.Without the ability to repel water and insulate from the cold water the fury sea animals will die of hypothermia. Since most oil floats the birds and the sea otters are effected the birds which sit on the top are also effected

Image result for sea otters        How does pollution effect fish

sometimes pollution in the water  it reaches a point  where their isn’t enough oxygen to breathe and they suffocate!    Also some pollution affects every fish, because the small fish absorbs the pollution into their system then the big fish eat the small fish and they keep on eating each other because that’s what fish do then when they lay eggs the baby’s get infected and the birds also eat the fish.Big oil spills can destroy their habitats.

                                                                   How can we stop pollution

we can stop pollution by trying not to flush  medications down the toilet try not to use pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers and don’t pour any type of fat oil or grease down the sink.

Pollution can also cause global warming and if you want to learn more about global warming go see Sarah’s blog.

                                                                   What sites you can visit

If you want to learn more about pollution then visit these sites and I found these sites very helpful

Remember pollution effects everybody! Do the right thing!